Yield pre-authenticated links to DASCH data products. Successful calls will redirect to the artefact in question.
SIAP2 service over the DASCH (Harvard) plates. Please note that a substantial number of plates has no calibration and hence will not be found using SIAP2 queries with positional constraints. Also, this service only returns ”narrow” plates, which here excludes plates from instruments with a field of view above 200 square degrees.
This service generates authorised links to access DASCH FITS files. To avoid unneccessarly large downloads, the #this link is a downsampled image. To retrieve full-resolution FITS-es, look for rows with semantics="#coderived" and local semantics full-res.
The dlget service is a SODA emulation; however, the cutouts have a fixed size.
This table holds metadata for the parts of DASCH counting as targeted observations (plate scale below 400 arcsec/mm. “Patrol” and “Meteor” plates in DASCH nomenclature are found in the wide_plates table.
This table is a union of the narrow_plates and wide_plates tables. For non-historic use, you probably get better results looking at narrow_plates.
This table holds metadata for the “Patrol” and “Meteor” plates from DASCH, i.e., very wide-field observations presumably not useful in global discovery. These data products are therefore not re-published through obscore. For the “narrow” plates, see the narrow_plates table.
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